Banana Peanuts Smoothie

Overripe banana's are common in many of our households. Don't think more, go smoothie them. Banana's are rich in fiber and nutrients and is an instant energy booster. And the peanut butter used in this recipe is packed full of good stuffs. Not just healthy, it is tasty too. It is an ideal breakfast and can be made in no times in your rush hours.

In this recipe the peanut butter quantity can be made more. But as my mom doesn't like it too much i just give a mild flavor of it .

Banana Peanuts Smoothie
Cooking time : 5 minutes
Servers 2-3

Small Banana - 2
Milk - 2 cups
Peanut Butter - 2 tbsp
Sugar -2 to 3 tbsp
Ice Cubes - 4 to 5
Peanuts for garnish

1. In a blender add roughly chopped banana's, milk, peanut butter, sugar and ice cubes.
2. Blend well till smooth.
3. Garnish with crushed peanuts and Serve immediately

1. If your in love with peanut butter flavor, you can add up to 3 tbsp of peanut butter in this recipe.
2. If need more cold smoothie, freeze the chopped bananas and then use them for smoothie.


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