Bread Pudding with Caramelized Apple and Anar

The bread puddings are always my cook easy desert for any unplanned parties. They are versatile and can be mixed up in no times. It can be either baked or steamed. I prefer baking if we are not going for any caramelized toppings. A simple caramel can be made by just golden browning 3 to 5 tbsp of sugar in a non-stick pan on a medium flame. So if you are not going to use any fruits, just caramelize the sugar and follow the instructions below.

Bread Pudding with Caramelized Apple and Pomegranate
Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 45 minutes

For Pudding:
Bread - 4 slices (white / brown, removing edges) (I used brown bread)
Egg -3
Milk - 3/4 cup
Milk Powder - 2 tbsp
Condensed Milk - 1/4 cup
Sugar - to taste (around 5 or 6 tbsp)
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
For Caramel:
Sugar - 5 tbsp
Water - 1 tbsp
Apple -1 (grated)
Pomegranate / Anar - 1/4 cup

1. Blend all the ingredients for Pudding in a mixer and keep aside.
2. To prepare caramel, in a pan combine sugar and water. Cook over medium heat and bring to boil.
3. Continue cooking the sugar until it turns light amber in color, swirling the pan once in a while.
4. Add grated apple and pomegranate to this caramel and cook till all the excess water from apple is absorbed.
5. Grease a bowl using butter or ghee. Pour the caramelized apple and pomegranate mix as the bottom layer.
6. Pour the blended pudding mix over it.
7. Cover the bowl with an aluminium foil. Make some holes in the aluminium foil to release steam.
8. Steam the pudding in a steamer with enough water for 30 to 35 minutes. Test by inserting a toothpick into pudding and if it comes out clean, the pudding is done.
9. Let it cool for 30 to 60 minutes or overnight
10. To unmold, run a knife around edges and invert onto a serving plate.

If not using fruits, just caramelize 3 to 5 tbsp of sugar in a non-stick pan on a medium flame


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